Towards Shared Futures – Participatory Conference
The project ‘From Complicated Past Towards Shared Futures’ is a collaboration between the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in Riga, the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius (Lithuanian National Museum of Art), OFF-Biennále in Budapest, Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz, and Malmö Art Museum. The aim of the project is to support the formulation, processing and interpretation of certain socially difficult, conflictual themes and to provide access to cultural products for groups and individuals who do not necessarily have the opportunity to do so.
In the framework of the project, OFF-Biennale Budapest, realizeda practice-based meeting among professionals to meet, speak and think together on the topics raised by the project and to learn with and from each other.
The participatory conference Towards Shared Futures aims to create a meeting space, a platform for art mediators, curators, artists, educators and youth workers aiming to reach and work with vulnerable communities (with a special focus to minorities) using various tools that contemporary art projects offer. Our goal is to create a better understanding of challenges, goals and errors and to work towards more open and inclusive art mediation and museum practices.
The event consist of four panels and some intermediate programmes, inviting practitioners working with and for underprivileged communities in different ways, most of them including the tool of art mediation.The aim of the international collaboration ‘From Complicated Pasts Towards Shared Futures’ is to support the formulation, processing and interpretation of certain socially difficult, conflictual themes and to provide access to cultural products for groups and individuals who do not necessarily have the opportunity to do so. Our goal is to create a better understanding of the challenges, goals and errors and to work towards more open and inclusive art mediation and museum practices.
The event will consist of four panels and some intermediate programmes, inviting practitioners working with and for underprivileged communities in different ways, most of them including the tool of art mediation.
The program is supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Venue: Kesztyűgyár, Budapest, Mátyás tér 15, 1084
Dates: November 24-25.
November 24. (Thursday)
9:30-10:00 Check-in and coffee
10:00-10:30 Opening by Elza Medne (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art), Hajnalka Somogyi and Nikolett Erőss (OFF-Biennále) and Fanny Hajdú
10:30 Melinda Vajda: Reflections on contemporary Roma identity
11:00-13:30 Play&Talk | workshop-lectures and Q&A
Participation-based workshops including a short presentation on the context they were created for. This part invites artists and practitioners who created art mediation sessions for specific exhibitions or art works using out-of-the-box tools and methodologies aiming to address vulnerable communities and people outside of the general audiences of the arts. For this panel several art mediation sessions of the former OFF-Biennále will be introduced. In the end of the panel a round-table will be mediated with the facilitators in order to discuss how successful their outreach was, what challenges and errors they encountered and what are their questions, doubts or ideas to overcome those.
11:00-11:30 Eglė Mikalajūnė: “A Colleague from another Tribe. Artist Meets Entrepreneur”
11:30-12:00 Csilla File & András Cseh: Together with Bees and the Offline Reserve
12:00-12:15 Virág Lődi: RomaMoma
12:15-12:30 Māra Žeikare: Challenges and benefits developing inclusive art mediation programmes. Project “Agents of Change: Mediating Minorities” and exhibition “Dairy Diaries” about dementia
12:30-13:00 Árpád Bayer: Open History – drama and role-play in the museum
13:00-13:30 Q&A with the section’s speakers
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Break the Wall | workshop-lectures and Q&A
Talks and Q&A with guests working with the targeted communities as social and youth workers, educators or in other positions. The aim of this session is to get to know the perspective of those working with specific vulnerable communities on a longer term, not necessarily with artistic tools. Our guests will speak about their experience on how they work together with their groups and how arts and external mediators could be introduced into these contexts. Our goal is to create a conversation and discuss goals, mistakes and possible solutions together.
14:30-15:00 Máté Lencse: Board game pedagogy at Toldi Tanoda and beyond
15:00-15:30 Panni Végh, Olga Irimiás, Péter Klausz: Artemisszió and Mira – Intercultural and artistic practices as tools of social integration
15:30-16:00 Éva Preszl: Self-Knowledge Filmmaking Workshop with underprivileged youth
16:00-16:30 Zita Csőke: Kesztyűgyár Community House – At home in Józsefváros
17:00-19:00 Interactive Roma led walk by UCCU
November 25. (Friday)
9:30-10:00 Check-in and coffee
10:00-11:30 Creating (in) Community | workshop-lectures and Q&A
A session of sharing case studies from artists and educators working with communities with the tools of art – all sorts of! From music to movement, live-action role play and performing arts, we invite practitioners of diverse methodologies they use to co-create with the people they work with. The case studies will shortly present the chosen methods, processes, target groups, obstacles and outputs of the speakers. The session will end with a world café format try-out of the mentioned tools and methodologies, facilitated by the speakers of the panel. Participants of the conference will be able to try out different co-creation processes in a small scale, to have a direct personal experience of the tools and impacts of what has been presented before.
10:00-10:30 Éva Bubla: The scent of common creation
10:30-10:50 Eglė Nedzinskaitė: “Where Are the People?” – When teenagers become curators, architects, designers and marketing strategists of the exhibition.
10:50-11:10 Dalma Tokai: Common Vibe – Music is for everyone
11:10-11:45 Bálint Márk Túri: Creating Parallel Worlds
11:30-13:30 Two Brain’s More Than One | collective brainstorming
In the last and most participation-based part of the conference, we will create diverse groups, each of which will include participants of the conference, and speaker-facilitators from all of the above sessions. The groups will gather their experiences and thoughts of the previously learnt methods and learnings and together come up with a smart goal and an action plan to implement their new ideas and knowledge into their practice. The aim of this session is not to create a specific mediation activity, but to open up different perspectives, share ideas and inspire each other to use new ways to reach our audiences.
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Sharings and learnings of the previous session
15:00-15:30 Closing
16:00 Women in Power – We will not remain invisible / Guided tour of the exhibition. at Kesztyűgyár Gallery
The goal of the Women in Power group is to help women with disabilities to strengthen their female identity, express and show themselves, connect with each other and others, and break out of invisibility by organizing events and art projects.
The event is supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.