01.10- 28.10
Hide and Seek Exhibition

The Taste of Distance

Venue: Intoart Gallery
1052 Budapest, Garibaldi u. 3.

A group within the Hungarian community living in São Paulo call themselves Turma (i.e., ‘group’ in Portuguese). They were children and adolescents in the 1940s and the 1950s, when they arrived in Brazil with their parents, and they have maintained strong friendships, almost family ties, ever since. They preserve as well as create their own traditions, which draw on experiences from the period of time before they left Hungary, while drawing on the local culture as well.

In its “golden age” of the early 1960s, the Turma staged theatre performances predominantly on the occasion of Hungarian national days. These not only contributed largely to building the community, but also presented milestones in the participants’ personal development. The colony has continued to enact its Hungarian identity through performances (of dance, stage plays, playlets, choral speaking, and informative lectures): they perform their Hungarianness, as it were, both on and beyond stage. Having followed the life of the colony for a long time as a friend as well as a documenter, Sári Ember now presents a video installation about this insulated community living out moments otherwise frozen in time.

supported by Intoart Gallery

special thanks to Annamária Mahr

Participating artists: Sári Ember

Participating curators: Flóra Gadó; The curatorial team of OFF-Biennale

opening hours: Wednesday–Saturday: 3–7 pm

Related programs:

The Taste of Distance - Finissage, Guided Tour with Zsófia Bán - 28.10 2:00 am
The Taste of Distance, opening event - 01.10 2:00 am

Hide and Seek program